Saturday, September 21, 2013

Getting closer

Rhinebeck is less than a month away and I am getting excited. I even managed to use some yarn from my second trip to Rhinebeck. It was among the oldest in my stash.

I made Knuckles by Cakewalk Yarns from some Alpaca Sox yarn. I had bought this yarn before I knew it would felt on my feet. That is part of the reason it languished in the stash, what to make if I did not make socks?

Finally it dawned on me that hand warmers are always welcome.  I found a nice cabled pattern that gave them a bit of the fancy vibe and happily knit along. I had debated taking these along on the SD trip but cables are not really travel knitting to me, no matter how easy they are.

Now I still have a half of a ball left to make another pair. I bet my mom would like a pair too.

You see I am working diligently all year round to make space for my Rhinebeck yarns to fill.

What's that? You heard I bought yarn in SD too? Shh that is not stash yet it does not count. It has not made it to the yarn basket yet. What about the skein I wound up just last night? You see I don't have a pair of socks on the needles for D right now and I am just prepping so I can cast on. D ran out of hand knit socks the other day and was sad. He says a day that starts with him putting on store bought socks is just going to be a difficult, disappointing day. He can tell from the start. I'm just doing one of my wifely duties here.

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