Friday, February 8, 2013


It looks pretty winter white outside my windows now. The real snow has not yet accumulated. But both D and I were home early before the snow turned vengeful. We were foolish/smart and stopped to fill the autos with fuel. I went to the grocery store because like a good farm girl, I was overcome by the urge to warm the house by making food. I bought food to make the following: chicken noodle soup, chili, pulled pork, pizza (we had it for dinner), bread, scones and muffins. I know I will not be making all that but I just had to be prepared in case... in case of what you may ask, but I don't have an answer. Sickness and snow make me want to cook everything. No really everything!

I redirected some energy tonight by printing off some sock patterns. I guess snow makes me want to plan my knitting too. I freed up some space in my binder by disposing of a couple toe up sock patterns. I am still having trouble with the last heel on D's toe up socks. I ripped it back twice tonight. I am starting to suspect that I am not a toe up knitter. I guess I will just constantly run the risk of being an odd toe knitter when I run out of yarn. I am willing to accept that risk.

A new tradition will be starting in our house this weekend since it was foiled last weekend. D stopped at the wine store and the library on his way home. We will have a nice relaxing night tomorrow watching Groundhog Day and sipping wine. We will most likely be stuffed with all the food I've made too.

So all in all it is shaping up to be a pleasant weekend.

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