Saturday, January 27, 2024

Bright Ashburn Shawl

My knitting mojo has been on winter vacation. I futzed around for a bit till a new project picked me. We have had some snow and colder weather and bright colors just called to me. I bought three Melanie Berg shawl patterns last year. Ashburn is the last one I have yet to knit. Looks like you're on deck.

After some discussion with my NY friend, we decided the two brights should be separated by the calming grey. I cast on and could not resist how cheerful the bright colors made me.

Now that pooling was not a happy accident, but something that regularly happens when your stitch count changes. I don't love it but maybe it won't bother me in the long run. 

I was worried that the textured stitch would be lost in the solid grey portion. But again what project is without worry? I forged ahead and ended up really liking how well it worked out.

Wait this may be the wrong side of the work. Well it is still pretty regardless if it is wrong or right.

I'm on to the final color and still liking how this is going, but I have not had the courage to spread it all out and really look at it. Now that the snow has passed I am afraid I will blind someone with these colors in the Albuquerque sun. 

Ah they are New Mexicans they will be just fine. They are used to bright colors, if the colors are all shades of brown... It is hot and brown here in the summer! So very brown!

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