Thursday, December 17, 2015

Cat Nip Balls and Christmas Cats

My boys are not spoiled, I have no idea what you're talking about. It is not like they get their own throne under the Christmas tree. Or that Mom's shawl makes a great throne cave.

Well it is not like they get their own entertainment system in the form of a purple and white cat nip ball.


It is not like they enjoy playing with the entertainment system on the throne.

You're right. But it is not like they use the tree for entertainment.

Gus did you just bite the tree????

I have no idea what you're talking about Mom. I was just sitting here doing a wee bit of washing.

Now Jack he has the innocent look down pat. Me? I'm just admiring the pretty lights. I would never bite the tree! Or at least not while you had a camera in hand.


  1. Move over, Gus. I want in that throne.

    1. Oh I think you might have to fight him for it. Your best bet is to decoy him with Greenies

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
