Sunday, July 21, 2019

Therapy session

I took one of my Black Sheep Gathering purchases out for a little stroll in the backyard. 

I realized the other day while admiring my garden that I had created a great way and place to take yarnie pictures. I do miss all the yarn on grass pictures that I took in NY. I don't really have a well lit pleasant background spot in the new house. Plus one of my go to spots was already occupied. 

What Momma? This chair shows off our colors well enough, and it is cushy too. It is a prime spot for kitten recharging.

Anyways back to this morning's project. I took my gorgeous new basket filled with yarn outside and had a little photo shoot in the garden. What better backdrop than blooming tomato plants? It was some much needed yarn, color, and outdoor therapy time. I also discovered that my basket can hold 18 pairs of pre-socks or as others would say sock yarn. It also held a few skeins of not sock yarn. Yes I buy that sometimes too, just nowhere near as often.

My feline yarn companions were quite put out since they did not get to experience the outside portion of the session. They complained loudly about how unfair life was. How can we be yarn inspectors when we cannot get to the yarn? Then I came back inside and it was nap time so the world continues. 

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