Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Kitty Antics

My boy Burt decided he needed to accomplish something the other day. I was sitting upstairs and saw a flash of orange out of the corner of my eye. 

Burt what are you doing in that window Momma told you not to get into? It is too high for kittens...

Momma, just because you shouldn't does not mean you can't. I resisted the urge to give it a go for over a year. Sometimes I need a Mellie break.

Yes Burt sometimes we need a break from each other. Mellie took hers on my lap. (I think she is part leopard with those spots.)

You can also enjoy outside and picking your grass fresh. 

But Momma you say Mellie can't be trusted outside.
But I can!!

ps: Can we plant a whole bunch more grass? We did manage to keep it growing all winter. Nothing tastes as good as a nice fresh salad in wintertime.

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