Saturday, January 5, 2019

To feed my soul

So as the new year rolled around I found myself looking back at the last couple of years. It was only the second Christmas we've had after D's accident. I think for me it was more of a contemplation anniversary. I think I was so focused on getting through 2017.

In 2018 I was recruited for a more than part time volunteer position at church. On top of that we bought a house and moved again. It was an extremely busy time, no wonder I'm looking back with some fatigue. 

Of course we also picked up another yarn inspector.

So I've discovered that I've not knit as much as I would like, but then again I don't really think it is possible to knit as much as we would like sometimes. Some of my limited knitting time has been stolen by spinning but really it is mostly life that keeps us from knitting.

I now have a lovely kitchen that I'd love to bake and cook in more. And blogging where did my blogging time go? I know a little bit of it is not wishing to face some difficult memories and adjust to the new us. Plus I have not figured out where my pictures should be taken. Maybe I will have to take my pictures on the front lawn on Saturday morning. The new neighbors probably think I'm weird for all different reasons. People are going to think what they will of me I just don't have the time to worry about others. I'm just amazed how time just gets ticked away minute by minute.

So looking forward small steps in the right direction. I do have knitting to show you. This is one of the skeins of 2017 Christmas yarn from the extremely loveable hubby. Good thing he can pick out his own yarn. I get to play with it for a while then he gets to wear them. How much more practical and enjoyable could it be?

So looking forward I'd like to knit more and blog more. Small steps in the right direction.

I already ended 2018 with more time in my kitchen. Tasty homemade food is already making us feel better.

Speaking of feeling better this helps. My soul feels better looking at these last two photos. I am loved by these two furry fiends and their daddy. Life is good even when it needs a bit of tweaking.


  1. I love how the sock is knitting up!

    I forgot you were a singer now.

    You didn't mention reading...time....I don't think I read a single book last year. Well a couple Walking Dead comics.

    Yup, life.

    As long as everyone's happy, healthy and well cuddled, it's all good.

    Happy New Year!

  2. That Regia is knitting up so cool! It amazes me they can dye it like that.

    1. Some of my first socks were dyed like the Regia, and since they were beginner socks I didn't love them. But these are quite fun, I'm sure D will love them.
