Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Somebody lied to us

It rarely snows in Portland.

This is respectable even by New York standards.

 The difference is NY knows how to deal with it. PDX (Portland) does not have the equipment, skill or experience NY does. 

So even if you "know how to drive in snow" you don't know how to do it here. Plus the hundreds of people in front or back of you may or may not "know how to drive in it." It is a completely different beast here. I think it is an angry beast too.

Daddy wanted some snow shots so I opened the patio door to get them. 

I picked up a looky loo in the process. 

That's a lotta snow Momma!! I thought it didn't do that here?

It is a lotta snow Burtie my boy. Doesn't it make you happy to stay inside with Momma? I'm so glad I found you.

Me too Momma, me too.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you've certainly gotten more than us here in NY.
