Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A Little Yarn Trip

The other day I took myself off to the local yarn store I like. Yarning may be small but it is mighty good.

Sometimes you just gotta get out and see some yarn in person. Since I am starting to knit shawls more to keep my wrist happy, I've found I need to expand my palette of colors. I am also very quirky because I don't like mixing yarn brands even if they seem to be the same type of yarn base. Somehow it just feels so wrong and I can't get over that feeling. So what to do to counteract that feeling? Buy more yarn of course! Not the solution for everyone but it was for me on this day.

This is one of the National Park series by Knitted Wit. I just could not resist. It is Carlsbad Caverns. I'm sure hubby will get a kick out of wearing his cavern socks from time to time. Maybe the next time we go he will be wearing these. 

Not quite the full range of colors but I can see a few shawls there. But I must have been thinking of mom. She loved purple and I could not pick just three skeins of purple. I'm looking forward to deciding how to use these. 

Happy knitting to us all.

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