Saturday, August 31, 2024

I've been knitting now with pictures

We've been trying to stay somewhat cool this summer and get into better shape. So I've been busy not really documenting my knitting. Unless it is taking pics to share with my knitting buddy. 

First up I finished a fantastic pair of socks for me. They are so bright and stripey! I love them. That green really pops for me.
Then I finally talked my sister into trying out my hand knit socks. It didn't hurt that I found yarn based on one of her favorite TV shows. You better Call Saul because she's getting Saul Goodman socks from Breaking Yarn.

But like always I am so scared things I knit will not fit that I stalled out on making them. So close and yet so far. She's not here to try them on and I am a very nervous Nellie.

What Momma?  I said nervous Nellie not Mellie!

So I started some Carlsbad Cavern socks for hubby. I know how to make hubby socks!!

Some yarn called to me and said it would make an awesome shawl so I answered back yes you would, and cast on.

I kept on knitting and it really was pretty.

No Momma I like how Daddy's socks match my fur,  let's keep knitting socks.

But Burt I found another set of yarns I want to try together. Let's knit another shawl.

OK but I still like Dad's socks best. Although the shawl does make my fur pop...